An excellent way to add more fun and cheer to a kids room would be by getting bunk beds with stairs. Loft beds with stairs, L-shaped beds, futon style bunk beds and more are some of the many kinds of beds being sold on the market today. Then again, since a bunk bed comes with stairs that implement a sense of intent, it makes the bed much neater than a regular one. Instead of the customary step ladder that bunk beds typically use, there is a staircase. The various functions of this staircase include working as a bedroom storage facility, a book shelf and more.
Kids Bunk Beds with Stairs: Saving and Saving
Since you wanted to keep your kids room to be as wide as possible, you are mostly limited by the available resources that you’ve got. With these, you next step is usually to get space saving furniture so you could maximize their rooms that’s why you’re getting the double deck bed. But didn’t you know that such beds are now becoming better and better? Kids bunk beds with stairs for instance is just one of the thousands innovated these past few years.
What Can You Get, Basically?
Bunk beds can help you save space because it will allow two or even more occupants without using an extra bed because this furniture is a combination of two to three beds placed on top of the other, leaving enough space where the occupant can freely sit without hitting the underside of the succeeding bed.
These kinds of beds can also be used to serve as the playing ground of children whenever they wanted to. There are even bunk beds that were made to look like castles, ships, cars and trucks to further enhance their imagination more. These beds can serve as their beds by evening and instantly be a playing ground in the morning. And speaking of playing ground, there are also bunk beds made to have slides of different designs also. These are now almost an all-in-one package treat for your kids.
Saving More
Other than space, you could also “save” some with children’s bunk beds with stairs and this is your children themselves. During their playing time where they are so energetic that they would not even stop chasing each other, they might run across the bunk beds and may even climb the upper bunk during their ply. Giving least attention to where they step next, it is possible that they may meet some accidents in climbing the traditional ladder for a bunk bed.
Aside from that, during the evening, the stairs could also help. Since kids won’t sleep until they feel that things get to look dizzy, they just won’t lie down. With such character, expect them to sleep almost anywhere whenever they feel to shut their eyes. It is also possible that they can still manage to climb up the upper bunk but chances are, they can also slip on ladders due to sleepiness.
Kids who have just awakened can also meet incidents where they might trip off on the ladder especially when they wanted to go down immediately. Without gaining their balance first, they could force their way in going down the first bunk and these would bring no good that’s why stairs here are preferred.
It’s Another “S” For Style
Getting bunk beds for kids with stairs doesn’t need you to always be out of the trendies. There are hundreds and thousands of great designs of stairs that won’t just look too plainly simple for a stair but rather compliments the theme of the bunk bed for better aesthetic value.
Some designers have tried to integrate previous designs with stairs. For instance, castle bunk beds are now made with the royal stairs while the bus design have placed stairs where the kids would really enjoy to play in an almost life size toy. Others have used stairs on one of the sides of the bunk but there are also those who have used collapsible stairs to save more spaces.
Kids bunk beds with stairs can be bought cheaply in thrift store or furniture shops and even through online stores where you can get loads of other more available designs that were made up for customers like you.
Leveling Up with Girls Bunk Beds with Stairs
With the various designs of bunk beds that you can avail nowadays, it is common that you’d see those styles that usually use ladders in connecting the lower and upper bunk. It is rare to see double decks without any additional parts that would help the user to climb up to its second and even third bed. These ladders are kept on one side to make the bunk bed look plainly rectangular in any angle, saving more spaces. But due to the fact that bunk beds nowadays are also used as beds for little kids, it does create some nervousness to parents whenever their little kids, especially the girls, to climb up those bunk ladders. These then ended up into an idea of creating girls bunk beds with stairs.
A New Approach
Of course bunk beds are designed to save some space inside your house so you might be thinking how stairs could effectively help you in terms of the space matters. Many bunk beds were even made slimmer just to provide the space requirements of their clients. Having a staircase incorporated in your kids’ bunk bed would not eat up that much of space, believe me.
If you have seen how bunk beds have evolved with various designs for the children, you would also be surprised how the manufacturers and designers created with ingenuity the stairs included with their beds. These stairs don’t need to be very full in its volume but rather just allowing some ways for your little kids to reach the upper bunk without much of the worry. The stairs of a girl’s bed bunk could even be made as a part of the whole bed design such as those beds made into princess castles. Since castles can be made also with some majestic stairs, these could then be a part of its design while still serving its main purpose.
Staircases in Different Views
Staircases could also be done in a detachable way just how stairs when you aboard an airplane could be removed, the same concept could be used in the bunk beds. Others also use collapsible stairs that may turn into a ladder and can be places aside when not in use so you’d still save enough space inside their rooms. Stairs can also be available in permanent positions and could be enhanced with colorful designs that can make their bed look livelier.
Falling Less
When girls bunk beds with stairs will be compared with other bunk beds using the usual ladder-type, there are more possibilities of having incidents on the latter. Kids like running, chasing and more about the rough play so expect them to run around the room and climb unhesitant on the bunk bed’s ladder. The dirt from their feet, their sweat, or simply the ladder itself could be the cause of slipping that may end into scratches and bruises to your little kids unlike with ladders where their feet won’t slip through. If you have a detachable staircase, then that would be better because they won’t reach the top bunk either, and that’s like saving naughty kids from getting another scar on their skins.
Girls’ bunk beds with stairs are now continuously renovated and drawn into a better bed design where stairs can always play an important part. You can even see loads of them through online stores that showcase various designs that they have drafted. You may also try to customize you own kid’s bed if you are capable of making one for you.
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